Work With Whitni...
Here are a few different ways to work with Whitni directly or indirectly. Including Couples Coaching, Workshops, & Patreon…links & details are below!
*Reviews can be found for each option on their page and on our REVIEWS page.*
There are free resources available on the resources page.

Register for & attend live workshops with Whitni. You can also purchase access to previously held workshops. Topics range from shifting mindsets around pleasure to kink to sex-ed.
*Different Together: Navigating Libido Differences* Offered once a year happening soon! Sign up now!

Deep Intimacy Coaching Programs
Does sex feel like a performance to you? All acting & anxiety with little room left for pleasure? Or maybe you used to have a high desire for sex, but now you notice a dip? Perhaps you’re in a long term relationship & the two of you have hit a rut that you’re not sure how to communicate about it? Maybe you want to do some internal work on your own? We have Coaching Programs for people in relationships and individuals wanting to do work on their own...take a look, one of these two options may be the exact right fit for you...

Join Whitni's Self-Guided Intimacy Coaching on Patreon & gain access to over 170 videos & posts of exclusive content as well as have the chance to submit requests for content. There's even a 7-Day Free Trial! Join today!
*Note: To access this content you must be able to sign in on YouTube to show you are 18+